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Everyone’s notion of beauty is different. The truth is if you look for beauty, you will find beauty in EVERY place, every family, every person, every moment.

Seek beauty and beauty is what you will find.

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Catalina was one of the first people who taught me to look differently at the world. She also taught me that look for beauty but mainly how important it is for each one of us to participate in our daily life in building a beautiful world.

I could add:  Catalina was the first family where I felt how the heart of an artist can make a difference in putting beauty in our lives.  Later I found out that there is an artist in every village.  They make life more enjoyable for others and are an inspiration to all.  Others find their own pride through them and often, I am brought in these houses by my guides when I am in search of a family (read more…) 

Home to Paraguay

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